

Welcome to the Scouts BSA Troop 840 Website!

  Summit Whitewater 2024
 Camp Constantin - 2024    Summit Bechtel Reserve - Whitewater Rafting - 2024
  Summit ATV 2024 
H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation - 2024   

 Summit Bechtel Reserve - ATVs - 2024

 Okpik Musher Camp at Northern Tier - 2025    Circle Ten Council Winter Camp - Camp Trevor Rees-Jones - 2024


We hope you enjoy your visit to our Troop 840 web site.  IF you are a VISITOR or a NEW Scout/parent,

CLICK HERE for a web page that will help you get started. If you need additional information beyond that
provided, please click on our
Contact Us page to send us your inquiry! 

If you are part of Troop 840 (including alumni), and you can't remember how to sign in, send an e-mail to our 
Troop Webmasters, webmasters@troop840.org. (Note that "webmasterS" is plural!)


Cell Phone Policy

  1. General use: Scouts are not to use any phone during scout activities unless requested by an adult leader to contact parents.
  2. Travel: Scouts may use their phone during travel to and from activities and camp. At the end of travel to camp scouts must turn off their phone and either leave in the vehicle or give to an adult leader who will return it for the trip home.
  3. Meetings: Scouts must refrain from using their phone during meetings. Remove all ear buds for the duration of the meeting.
  4. Emergencies: If parents wish to contact their scouts, they may call an adult leader at any time. If an emergency occurs on an outing, adult leaders will contact parents, most likely through email, and give phones back to scouts at the appropriate time.
  5. Special situations: If a special situation arises requiring a cell phone, for example movie making MB, the Scout leader has the authority to return the phone to a scout for a limited time and specific purpose.
  6. Homesickness and minor injuries: Scouts will in general not be allowed to call home for homesickness or minor injuries. Experience has taught us that phone calls only make the situation worse. In case of a more substantial injury, an adult leader will contact the parents.
  7. Consequences: Any scout found in violation of this policy will have his phone confiscated and returned to the parent at the end of the event.
  8. Final Comments: Phones are a ubiquitous part of our society and schools have found that they are too distracting for classes. We share this sentiment in scouting and find that phones take scouts mentally away from the education we are offering and from positive social interactions. Scouts on a campout or in a meeting simply have very little need for a phone. The downside risks outweigh the upside potential.

Uniform Policy

 The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) uniform policy includes guidelines for shirts, pants, belts, neckerchiefs, and headgear. The uniform is meant to show a commitment to helping others, loyalty to country, and belief in God. 


  • The official shirt is tan and has button-flap pockets.
  • The collar should be unbuttoned.
  • The shirt can be long or short sleeved.
  • Shirts should be neat in appearance.


  • The official pants are green and have no cuffs.
  • Scouts can also wear shorts, or roll-up pants.


  • The official belt is green and has a metal buckle.
  • Scouts can also wear a plain leather belt or a scout leather belt.


  • Scouts can wear a neckerchief under or over the collar.
  • The neckerchief can be tightened by rolling it.
  • Scouts can also wear a bolo tie or no neckwear.

IMPORTANT - Summer Camp Payments are DUE!!!

Posted on Mar 24 2025 - 12:53pm

Please make arrangements to make full payment for Summer Camp by the end of March for Constantin and by 4/15 for Bartle. Full payments must be made into your Scout Account ASAP!!!

Congrats to our NEWEST Eagle Scouts!!!

Posted on Mar 16 2025 - 1:14pm

Please help us congratulate Pranav Gupta (2/23), Badri Karthikeyan (3/1) and Jonathan Wroten (3/15) who earned their Eagle, the highest rank in Scouting!

Congratulations to our NEW OA Arrowmen and 1 new Brotherhood member!

Posted on Mar 2 2025 - 2:34pm

Congrats to Reeyan M, Ujaan R and Mr. Ryan Dane who completed their Ordeal this past weekend! Also congrats to Krish N who sealed his membership and became a brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow, Scouting's National Honor Society!!!

Micosay Roundup 22 February

Posted on Feb 14 2025 - 12:33pm

Tribesmen! All are invited to attend the Micosay Roundup on Saturday 22 February at Valley Ranch Baptist Church, 1501 E. Belt Line Rd. Check in starts at 8 and program begins at 9 running until noon. This event is for all Tribesmen. We will discuss our resolutions and attire and we have items for sale from Parry Lodge for anyone needing attire for ceremony, new Brave especially! Dress is casual with claws. Questions? Ask Mr. Wilt or Mr. McGaughey or email us at TexasTribesmen@gmail.com.  Click here to sign up for the event -- https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YNZ7YT7 or just show up.

Congrats to our NEWEST Eagle Scouts!!!

Posted on Feb 12 2025 - 1:22pm

Please help us congratulate Aman Kaistha (1/14) and Anay Khurana (1/21) who both earned their Eagle, the highest rank in Scouting!

Congrats to our NEWEST Eagle Scouts!!!

Posted on Jan 1 2025 - 2:55pm

Please help us congratulate Shashank Mallissery (12/30) and Patrick McGaughey (12/31) who both earned their Eagle, the highest rank in Scouting!

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